40+ Energetic “Women Empowerment Quotes” With Images

Chirag Artani
6 min readNov 22, 2019


A nation flourishes, If it has parity of gender, where an issue like women empowerment is its sole concern. A woman is an epitome of love, benevolence, kindness and ultimate strength who gives birth to new ideas and power to create a nation, unimaginable. Empowering her will improve the socioeconomic and cultural structure and this can be better understood with the below quotes:-

Positive Women Empowerment Quotes & Slogans

  • Women, like men, should try to do the impossible. And when they fail, their failure should be a challenge to others.
  • Men, their rights, and nothing more; women, their rights, and nothing less.
  • The empowered woman is powerful beyond measure and beautiful beyond description.
  • If women understood and exercised their power they could remake the world.
  • Don’t just stand for the success of other women — insist on it.

I am tough, ambitious, and I know exactly what I want. If it makes me a bitch, okay.


“I always believed that one woman’s success can only help another woman’s success”

— Gloria Vanderbilt

She will rise, with a spine of steel, and a roar like thunder, she will rise.

Nicole Lyons

Some women fear the fire, some women simply become it.

R. H. Sin

Do it. Because your kids deserve a mother they can brag about.

@ Ms_Ash_

Women’s freedom is the sign of social freedom.

Rosa Luxemburg

I want every girl to know that her voice can change the world.

Women feel like we need permission…we need to lead and change that.

Emma Watson

Women don’t need to find their voices, they need to be empowered to use it and people need to be urged to listen.

Meghan Markle

We have to teach our girls that they can reach as high as humanly possible.


Women are the half power of the country….

She is a flower in garden, Water it nicely and the whole garden will be scented.

  • Nidhi Agarwal

Let’s empower the woman, Let’s empower the nation.

Nidhi Agarwal

A man thinks he is a hero, but if he tries to remove ‘her’, then he is nothing but a ‘0’.

Yes, I am a Woman, I will educate myself, Nourish myself into an Independent individual And will give the Nation A new dimension to lead.

  • Nidhi Agarwal, Women Empowerment Quotes

The measure of any society is how it treats its women and girls……

women empowerment quote

You are supreme, You are not born to be a mere Beauty Queen.

The Best Women Empowerment Slogans

women empowerment quotes

Stand away and Stand alone, You are limitless, woman.

women empowerment slogans

Fall seven times, stand up eight, Oh Woman, be strong, and change the fate…..

Woman is the companion of man, gifted with equal mental capacity.

  • Mahatma Gandhi

“If one man can destroy everything why can’t one girl change it?”

  • Malala Yousafzai — Women Empowerment Quotes

There is no force equal to a woman determined to rise.

  • W.E.B Dubois


  • Michelle Obama

No country can ever truly flourish if it stifles the potential of its women and deprives itself of the contributions of half of its citizens.

  • Michelle Obama — Women Empowerment Slogans

Strong Women, wear their pain like they do stilletos. No matter how much it hurts, all you see is the beauty of it.

A successful woman is one who can build a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at her.

“A woman with a voice is by definition a strong woman.”

  • Melinda Gates

She slept with wolves without fear, for the wolves knew a lion was among them.

  • R.M. Drake — Women Empowerment Quotes

To call woman the weaker sex is a libel; it is man’s injustice to woman. If by strength is meant moral power, then woman is immeasurably man’s superior.

  • M. K. Gandhi

“A woman who writes has power, and a woman with power is feared.”

  • Gloria E. Anzaldua — Women Empowerment Quotes

There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish.

  • Michelle Obama


  • Maya Angelou — Women Empowerment Quote

Extremists have shown what frightens them most: a girl with a book.

  • Malala Yousafzai

She wasn’t looking for a knight, she was looking for a sword.

  • Atticus — Women Empowerment Quotes

We have become the men we wanted to marry

  • Gloria Steinem

It is impossible to think about the welfare of the world unless the condition of women is improved. It is impossible for a bird to fly on only one wing.

Swami Vivekananda

We all are a part of nation, both men and women have an equal contribution to the success of any aspect. She is a holder of many responsibilities so why do we deprive her of her basic rights, why some people try to snatch the air of education in which she wants to breathe, why don’t we let her carve a niche for herself. Let’s pledge that we will stand up to empower her, so that this world would become a peaceful place to live in.

Post is written & designed by Nidhi Agarwal.

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Chirag Artani

I’m a philanthropist help you to bring your online business and more interest in technology. However, I’m learning everything Spiritual, Technology, More stuff.