Stock Market Scam $56 Million Stolen — SS-Equitrade, Kotakses, Viking Trading & Apalxs & More

Chirag Artani
3 min readMar 27, 2024

Hello, today I am going to expose a very tricky scam which is stock market scam, please watch the video at the end.

Scam Story & How To Get Funds Back

SS-equitrade, kotak plc, viking trading, apalxs. These are the scam names & all of them have absolutely similar interface,

There’s more but these mentioned are the main applications or sites which scams thousands of people. Now it all happens through whatsapp, they add you in a group or you, ourselves get added via link, where they talk about stock market course, teaching and main thing an institutional account, Now all members you see in the group are not real, There are real people who are victims but mostly are fake mean scammers and they brainwash you by sending messages in their whatsapp group like they invested, they got IPO, earned that much profit and some will say that they applied but they all are scammers doing your brain wash, so you get trapped in the scam. now you invested money but you think its fake and you withdrawn money, so they allow funds to be withdraw first time, that’s where things are totally changed and not in your favor, now they will brainwash you more and somehow you will get trapped, now you invested money, got to know that a big scam is happened with you.

What’s next after you understand that you are scammed?

Now victims will file cyber crime report or FIR, after a few days you will get a message that cyber crime department freezed or put that fund on hold, but you know what? that’s victims money not scammer’s money. they are super sharp and tricky when you withdrawn money for the first time they paid you through other victims money so if other victims filed cyber crime complaint , it will happened with you too. mean your account will be freezed by cyber crime too, in the view of cyber crime you scammed money because you withdrawn funds from other victims. so now if you will see your bank account it will be in Minus. that’s how they scam and trick with people and even cyber crime is not understanding what’s happening.

Please spread awareness and avoid investing because everything is super tricky and you will lose all your life time savings.

I have created a video please watch and share that as well

Scam interface & portal or application look

kotakses or kotakplc scam portal app
stock market scam alert

Now viking trading scam app looks like this too.

Do not fall in this trap, stay alert and don’t invest any money in this scam



Chirag Artani

I’m a philanthropist help you to bring your online business and more interest in technology. However, I’m learning everything Spiritual, Technology, More stuff.